As the Sun burrows No.10

As the Sun burrows No.10

Vigil No.9

The morning came and Possum went to bed.

Rat woke up. He felt less afraid.

Bear woke up.  He felt more able.

Badger still slept, deep and in dreams…

I cannot yet tell you of Badgers dreams for as of this moment, I know them not.

The sunlight in the garden has begun to sparkle in bronze and brass.

Gold days and Silver nights.

The leaves Begin to deepen in patches of reds and flashes of yellow here and there,

But most are still in a Latest Summer dull green.

Spiders webs glisten in the ebbing breeze.

The Breeze now cools, especially in the shades and shadows.

The Pine and The oak.

The Pond and its Reflected world, an inner sky.

A burrow that now houses many animals, safe within it.

All the Decorating and moving in were well underway or finished for most.

Rat sat and drank a small cup of coffee with Mouse who laid a paw on his shoulder.

Rat was surprised to see Raccoon sitting at a table with Rabbit, the Two sat in silence.

Perhaps Rat would one day ask Raccoon what happened last night, but deep within him Rat knew that he knew all he was required to know.

Staring at the black silken Blindfold tied round Raccoons head, Rat followed past where it tied off and its excess flowed down Raccoons back…. And Rat smiled.

It was not a joyous smile, but it was earnest.

He breathed deeply and sighed.

SIGH No. 10

When things are good

Let them be good

When peace is found

Let it Suffice

When worry flees

Let it be gone

When strength and courage build

Give of yourself

For as deeply as we feel our fears and sorrow

We must, We must!

Feel and submerge our hearts in the things of a lovely kind