As the Sun burrows N0.9
Vigil No.8
Bear stood out in the garden as Possum sipped tea by the pond in a chair.
“Why don’t you sit with me and rest awhile?” She asked blowing steam off her cup and out into the night air.
Bear let out a Heavy sigh.
“You know what comes to this garden when the frost Glistens over all that once was vibrant and green”
Possum chuckled.
“Of course I do! I’ve been here almost as long as he has you know”
Here she Paused and took a sip of her tea.
“And Besides, We all go before Wolf at some point…”
At this Bear turned sharply to her and held up his paw.
“I’m aware of it all, it doesn’t make it any easier”
Possum nodded and then patted the chair near her.
“Come sit, The glow of my candle and yours together, a spot of tea and a blanket will help you feel more at ease, you can’t stand out here every night waiting for him.”
Bear did not face her again when he spoke.
“I have been waiting for what seems so long, He has haunted my every step.
I see him round doorways and from the back of closets…I can see him in my mirror when I cannot sleep at night, always just his muzzle, peeking out from behind something.”
Possums voice was full of cheer when she spoke again after a time.
“Come now Bear, you haven’t been waiting any longer than any other animal, and you know that once he comes, you can’t fight him or make demands or question him, that’s not the sort of animal he is…but you can speak with me, and we have a long while till the frost comes.”
Bear coughed, it took him a moment to speak again and when he answered Possum the anger and challenge had waned from his voice, replaced now by uncertainty and tiredness….and fear.
“Do you know if this frost will be my last? In certainty?”
Possum was silent for a moment.
“As many years as I have taken watch over this house and garden when the Badger burrows and the Wolf comes, I do not know when my own day shall come, and though I can see signs and help guide those who’s days are fast approaching…I do not know the time Bear, and you know this”
Bear clenched his huge clawed paws, fighting off another cough.
“Come sit please, I hate to watch you suffer in agitation”
Possum pleaded.
But Bear silently walked away from her into the shadows and returned into the house.
Possum remained in her chair by the pond and sang blessings over the burrow and the garden and house, she made tea and played cards and was quite content.
Inside the house, bear was chased and tormented by shadows, whispers and hosts of things that may or may not have been. He collapsed on his bed and at a terribly late hour, fell into an unrestful sleep.
Be Still
Where we can, let us rest
In company
Let us not gaze off into the long shadows
Where surely one day the end will come make itself known
Oh little animal
Fear will come
Oh Wolf, you shall come
You have loomed great and massive in the sky over all
But let the animals
Who’s time is limited
Not spend that blessed span gazing only at the eating ringed giant
Let them see far more of their Loves in the stars round him
Let our gaze be on the rose and moths and the moon
Let us hold our loves and friends in our hearts
And should all fail
May we have the strength to see ourselves in the mirror
And not look to what may lurk in unexpected corners
Look into your own eyes
And put the next paw forward
For every step to wolf we make
The distance to him will never be known fully.
But should we be still, in the hope that we not reach him.
He Will, in turn, take steps to us.
And so keep moving
Do not cease
Until you meet him there
For our movement is joy and light
But his movement to us
Is suffering and fears