As the Sun burrows No.17

As the Sun burrows No.17

Vigil No.15

The morning found Bear asleep on a great comfy sofa, surrounded by a plethora of pillows and blankets. Steam poured out of fresh bowls of herbal mixtures, peppermint and bay, basil and chamomile. Bear breathed the warm wafting vapors in deeply. Warm in the mouth and cool and bright in his chest and throat. He propped himself up on his elbows and found a very large cup of tea and a dish of blackberries in cream sat in front of him, the honey still golden as it trickled down them. Bear felt easy and comforted. He ate the blackberries which were sweet and good. He drank the tea, which though strong and medicinal, had a strange but pleasing taste. Possum came into the room bearing another great bowl of steaming leaves and herbs and oils. She sat in Close to bear and smiled.

Bear nodded to her and gave a sort of sad, knowing smile back.

“Well, I suppose it can’t be helped, we chase what we will in the reflections and shadows, and who knows what manner of self can come from those never ceasing places”

Bear stared forward as she spoke

“I saw him….I think”

Bear said in a far off way

“Yes, I’m sure you did dear Bear, but you were not ready for what he had to say”

Bear shook his head

“I wasn’t ready for him to be there with me at all”

Possum placed her paw on Bears shoulder

“The brothers are beyond such easy knowing, give it time and grace for yourself and for goodness sake, ask me for help next time! I am aquatinted with all three of them you know!”

And at saying this, Possum shuffled about in her shawl huffily, like a chicken ruffling its feathers.

Bear chuckled, “I will ask you for help next time” he said….and his eyes showed some surprise

“You laughed but did not cough”

Possum said gently.

Bear smiled and eased himself back into the warm blankets and pillows.

“I know it is your time to rest Possum, your great care and effort here for me have truly put my spirit at ease. I think I will rest here for a while but before you go, will you put on the record with the scene of Easter on its cover on for me?”

Possum nodded and fetched the record, as it spun round

The sounds of gentle guitar strings filled the room.

The music was sweet indeed.

Possum smiled at its light and welcoming air,

Bear smiled at his favorite song beginning

And he sighed….

SIGH N0.17

Let ease come

Let comfort come

May it fill our chest

Let peace be in the room

May ease envelope

Might gladness and cheer aid our body

Give us rest

Give us hope

And joy

And joy