As the Sun Burrows No.25

As the Sun burrows No.25

Curtain rising. No.1


in red velvet surroundings ,

two fox brothers meet

One blind in the left eye

The other missing half a paw

One in dapper tuxedo

The other in dated tailed coat

They circle one another

Knives held in white gloved hands


The first strike has not been struck

There is a desperation

A lust for it

Want of revenge

A long seated hate

An aggression born of a thousand misgivings

The eye patch sporting brothers fur red

The half paw a rusty brown

Tuxedo, half blind and ravishing

Tail coat, broken and wild disheveled cuss

The first swipe and strike is taken

There will be an ending in the red room

White gloves will be blood stained

Copper smell

Eyes meeting eyes

The deed is done

The death dealt

From the window, a great bear dressed in blue watches in the rain

As one falls